
基于低温等离子体协同催化脱除氮氧化物和碳烟颗粒的研究 被引量:1

Research of the Effects of Non-thermal Plasma in Conjunction with Catalyzer on the Removal NO_X and PM in Emission Control of Diesel Engine
摘要 文章介绍了等离子体净化柴油机尾气技术的机理和研究状况。研究表明电晕放电和介质阻挡放电等离子体净化柴油机尾气有着能耗过高的缺陷,在应用中不得不结合催化剂同时使用。由于等离子体放电能够产生大量的自由基,能够使柴油机颗粒物PM在较低的排气温度下得到氧化燃烧。同时等离子体常与选择性催化还原技术相结合,作为辅助手段以提升系统去除NOX的效率和提高其选择性[1]。研究发现等离子体协同催化脱除氮氧化物和PM技术对解决柴油车尾气污染问题有着重要的意义。 The article introduced the mechanism and research status of technology which used plasma purifying diesel exhaust. Research showed that the plasma technology of corona discharge and dielectric barrier discharge has the defects of high energy consumption when it purified diesel exhaust, combined with catalyst in the application can solve the problem. Because of the plasma discharge can produce a large number of free radicals, which made PM combustion under the lower exhaust temperature. It also can improve the efficiency of the removal of NOX and its selectivity[1].The study found that the research of non-thermal plasma in conjunction with catalytic on the removal NOX and PM in emission control of diesel engine had great significance to solve the problem of diesel exhaust pollution.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2015年第20期1-2,共2页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51074170):煤尘润湿作用及其表征的研究
关键词 低温等离子体 柴油机尾气 协同催化 non-thermal plasma diesel exhaust conjunction with catalytic
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