
低温微波辐射对脂肪氧合酶催化体系的影响 被引量:1

The Effects of Low Temperature Microwave on the Soybean Lipoxygenase Catalyzed System
摘要 文章主要考察了微波辐射对脂肪氧合酶的活性和催化亚油酸(钠)反应产率的影响。实验结果表明,低功率(10~60 w)微波辐射对脂肪氧合酶酶活影响不大,100 w时会导致酶活损失接近50%。在60 w时,微波辐射时间的延长会引起酶活的降低。将微波辐射应用于催化亚油酸(钠)体系时,发现微波技术并不能增强脂肪氧合酶与底物的结合,且对体系传质效果影响也不大。 The objective of this work was to explore the impact of microwave irradiation on the activity of lipoxygenase and its reaction. The results show that the activity of lipoxygenase remained stable when the power of microwave was in the range of 10 and 60 w, but dropped by nearly 50 % if the power reached 100 w. When Microwave irradiation was employed to the lipoxygenation of linoleic acid or its sodium salt, it was observed that microwave would not increase the combination of enzyme and substrate, nor it would improve the mass transfer efficiency.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2015年第20期48-49,共2页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
基金 江苏省青年自然科学基金(BK20150401) 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目资助(15KJB530010) 南通大学引进人才项目(12R038)
关键词 脂肪氧合酶 微波 活性 Lipoxygenase Microwave Activity
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