
影响强迫症延迟治疗的因素分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Factors Resulting in a Delayed Treatment-seeking Behavior in OCD
摘要 通过对强迫症延迟治疗的原因进行深入分析后发现,强迫症自身特征、患者的错误认知、人口学变量及治疗方面的因素,均或多或少地影响着患者的求治行为.提高优质心理健康服务的可获得性、发展更有效的筛查及诊断工具、普及强迫症相关信息、完善现有疗法并发展新疗法等途径,或许能促进患者及时接受恰当的治疗.未来研究可进一步地明晰影响患者延迟治疗的因素,提出更具有针对性的策略,从而缓解延迟治疗的窘境. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe chronic mental illness with a rather high cure rate. However, a high percentage of sufferers actually have not received proper treatment in time. An in-depth analysis of the factors resulting in a retarded treatment of the disease finds that the following factors have all played a part, such as the individual characteristics of the patient, the wrong concept about the illness on the part of the patient, the demographical variables and factors related to treatment. Easier access to quality psychological health care service, to develop more tools for checking and screening the illness, the popularization of OCD-related information, the optimization of current treating methods and finding more effective treating approaches may help the patients obtain timely and proper treatment. Future research can further identify the retarding factors and thus help find pointed coping strategies.
出处 《内江师范学院学报》 2015年第10期44-51,共8页 Journal of Neijiang Normal University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31171006) 留学基金委(201306995011) 西南大学心理学部2011项目(tr201205-5)
关键词 强迫症 求治行为 未治疗期 obsessive compulsive disorder treatment seeking behavior duration of untreated illness
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