目的为摸清底数,有针对性地做好"单独两孩"政策实施后的部队计划生育工作。方法组织对全区13 000余对单独家庭开展书面普查,对11个不同类型单位进行抽样调查,赴苏州、厦门、南昌等地部队现地座谈,了解掌握官兵生育意愿。结果全区单独家庭占育龄家庭总数的22.23%,其中有再生育意愿的6657个,没有再生育意愿的6143个,尚未考虑好的547个,分别占49.88%、46.03%和4.09%。结论新的生育政策出台后,部队官兵由于受客观条件的影响,生育意愿低于预期,转化为生育行为的更少,为积极稳妥推进新生育政策实施,应进一步强化计划生育组织领导,注重宣传引导,严格依法管理,提升服务水平,搞好风险防范。
Objective To find out the base number,and deal with military family planning pertinently since the two-childfertility policy( allow couples whether the husband or the wife is from a single child family to give birth to second children) was implemented. Methods Made a written survey of above 13 000 families whether the husband or the wife is from a single child family in Nanjing military command,and made a sampling survey of 11 different unites. We went to the forces in Fujian,Xiamen,Nanchang and other places,talked with officers and soldiers and understood the birthing will of them. Results The couples whether the husband or the wife is from a single child family is accounted for 22. 23% of the total families of child-bearing age. Among them,6657 couples want to give birth to second children while 6143 couples not and another almost 547 families cant make a decision which account for49. 88%,46. 03% and 60. 78% respectively. Conclusion Since the two-child-fertility policy was implemented,the birthing will of officers and soldiers was lower than the expected,and the birth behavior was much less than before. In order to promote implementation of new policy,we must strengthen organizational leadership and propagandism,manage objects according to the law strictly,improve service levels,and set up the risk awareness.
Military Medical Journal of Southeast China
investigation and thought