浦肯野神经元是小脑皮层唯一的输出神经元,其传入纤维主要包括来自橄榄核的盘状纤维和来自皮层颗粒神经元的平行纤维.基于与实际神经系统十分相似浦肯野神经元回路模型,本文研究了回路中三种神经元(浦肯野神经元,颗粒神经元,盘状纤维)的相位响应曲线(PRC)并结合它们各自的f-I曲线对来区分三种神经元的兴奋性;进而对不同类型的神经元之间的同步性进行分析,着重考察了不同神经元之间突触的电导系数与浦肯野神经元树突上的Ca P电导系数的影响等,分析结果显示神经元之间同步性对于它们信息传递起着重要作用.
Purkinje neurons are the unique output of the cerebellar cortex,and the inputs mainly come from climbing fibers and parallel fibers from olivary nucleus and granule cells. Based on the anatomic model,which is very similar to the real neural system,this paper analyzed the Phase Response Curve( PRC) of three different neurons( Purkinje neurons,granule neurons,climbing fibers) and classified their neural excitatory by comparing their f-I curves,and then further studied the synchronization in this circuit by changing the synaptic conductance and Ca P conductance principally. The analysis results show that the synchronization is very significant in the information transfer.
Journal of Dynamics and Control