目的了解北京市医疗卫生系统室内二手烟暴露现状,推动全面禁烟工作。方法采用分阶段按比例系统抽样方法抽取调查对象。采用调查员面视下的自填式问卷调查法进行调查。结果调查北京市16个区/县69家医疗卫生机构共计5 550名在职职工。医疗卫生系统室内二手烟暴露率为27.7%,其中卫生监督机构最高为43.7%。室内吸烟者仅为本单位人员所占比例最高的机构是疾病控制机构(34.1%)。10类主要室内场所中二手烟暴露严重的区域包括洗手间、楼梯间、走廊及办公室,吸烟现象发生在这些区域的比例分别为66.8%、66.5%、65.0%和48.5%。经常对室内吸烟者进行劝阻的调查对象占37.9%,不同特征人群经常劝阻的比例不同,且差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05):知晓单位禁烟规定者(38.4%)高于不知者(23.9%);不吸烟者(40.9%)高于吸烟者(23.8%);专业技术人员(40.4%)高于行政人员(30.5%);女性(46.3%)高于男性(24.9%);一级医疗机构最高(56.8%),卫生行政机构最低(17.8%)。结论北京市医疗卫生系统控烟工作有成效,但与卫生部提出的2011年起全国医疗卫生系统全面禁烟的目标有差距。
Objective To assess the prevalence of exposure to secondhand smoke( SHS) indoor in health systems in Beijing.Methods The investigation subjects were selected by stratified systematic sampling.The questionnaire survey was carried out by face to face.Results 5 550 peoples from 69 health institutions of all 16 districts in Beijing were selected.27.7percent of them saw somebody smoking indoor in their institutions duringlast 30 days prior to the interview.The rate( 43.7%)was the highest in health supervision institutions.The rate( 34.1%) that all smokers were employees was the highest in CDC.The proportion of exposure to SHS indifferent locations varied as followed:66.8% in toilets,66.5% in staircase,65.0% in corridors,and 48.5% in office.37.9 percent of respondents who saw somebody smoking indoor would dissuade him from smoking.There were significant different proportions of discourage smoking between difference groups,such as women( 46.3%)higher than men( 24.9%); non-smokers( 40.9%) higher than now-smokers( 23.8%); the staff who knew tobacco control regulation( 38.4%) higher than the other( 23.9%); the staff in primary medical institutions( 56.8%) was the highest,and the staff in hygiene institutes( 17.8%) was the lowest.Conclusion The smoke-free policies in health systems in Beijing were effective.There was the gap between present status and goal of smokeing-free indoor.
Capital Journal of Public Health
Exposure to secondhand smoke
Health systems
Cross-sectional study