

The Psychological Characteristics of Students in Public Security Colleges and Optimization of Classroom Teaching
摘要 公安院校的政治性和纪律性要求对学生心理和课堂教学都产生了重要的影响。"强序管理"限制了学生的自主性,区队建制强化了群体的"模仿"和"非正式结构",在课堂上表现为少数服从多数的"沉默螺旋",离不开多媒体和网络的"媒介依赖症"以及"读图时代"下的知识浅层化。面对这些问题,可以通过"非智力因素"等方法消除课堂教学阻碍,实现课堂教学的优质化。 Strict disciplines and political education are both predom inant features of public security colleges, which have important influence on students’ psychology and classroom teaching. Strict rules in these colleges greatly suppress students’ individuality while team-based management model enforces the tendency of "group imitation" and "informal structure". The most obvious manifestations include "silent spiral" during classes where most students choose to remain silent rather than speaking up; "media dependency" where students seem to be helplessly dependent on multimedia and social network; and "picture age" where knowledge tend to be more and more plain and picture-filled. In face of these obstacles, we can enhance teaching performance optimize classroom teaching with non-academic factors.
作者 倪超
出处 《江苏警官学院学报》 2015年第4期107-111,共5页 Journal of Jiangsu Police Institute
关键词 公安院校 学生心理 教学改革 public security college student psychology educational reform
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