目的探讨PBL教学法在中医学基础课程教学中的应用效果。方法 108名学生根据学号单双数原则将其平均分为试验组与对照组各54名,对照组采用传统教学法,试验组采用PBL教学法,试验结束后对两组学生进行理论知识考核以及填写两种教学法效果的问卷调查。结果试验组学生的理论知识成绩高于对照组,比较具有统计学意义(P<0.05);除时间合理条目以外,试验组PBL教学法中各项条目评分均高于对照组,比较具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 PBL教学法应用于中医学基础课程教学能够有效提高教学质量,提高学生学习能力,实践应用价值高。
Objective To investigate the effect of PBL teaching method in the teaching of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) basic courses.Methods 108 students were divided into experiment group and control group with each 54 cases.Control group used traditional teaching methods,while experiment group used PBL teaching method.Results The theoretical knowledge score of experimental group was significantly higher than control group(P〈0.05).Apart from reasonable time entry,scores of all other entries of experiment group were higher,with statistically significant differences(P〈0.05).Conclusion PBL teaching method applied in TCM basic courses can improve the quality of teaching and students' learning ability.
China Continuing Medical Education