

Preparation and Surface Treatment of Titania Film in Biological Laser Printing Technology
摘要 本文采用四种不同方法制备了生物激光打印技术中的镀钛基片,对基片表面形貌、粗糙度、附着力及生物相容性等性能进行了表征,在此基础上对比分析了加入表面活性剂和光诱导超亲水性两条途径对镀钛基片表面亲水处理的效果。实验结果表明,真空蒸镀法是生物激光打印技术中镀钛基片的最佳制备方法,在生物激光打印蛋白中可采取在溶液中加入表面活性剂的方法来提高基片表面亲水性。 In this paper, four different methods were used to prepare titania coating for potential biological laser printing technology,, and the substrate surface morphology, roughness, adhesion and biological compatible properties were systematically compared, then the effect of adding surface active agent and light induced hydrophilicity on the surface of the substrate is discussed. The experiment results show that the vacuum evaporation deposition plating method is the best preparation method in in titania substrate of biological laser printing technology. In the biological laser printing protein, the method of adding surfactant in solution to improve the surface hydrophilicity is better.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2015年第19期10-12,33,共4页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 钛膜制备 生物激光打印技术 表面处理 蛋白打印 titanium film biological laser printing surface treatment protein printing
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