
单中心2272例新增维持性血液透析患者的病因构成及其变迁 被引量:7

Changes of protopathy distribution in 2 272 patients with maintenance hemodialysis
摘要 目的 分析海南省人民医院血液净化中心新增维持性血液透析(MHD)患者的病因构成变化.方法 对1992年4月至2012年12月新增MHD治疗的2 272例终末期肾脏病患者的病因进行分析,首先以进入透析的不同时间段分为四组,A组为1992年4月至1997年12月(n=315);B组为1998年1月至2002年12月(n=396);C组为2003年1月至2007年12月(n=637);D组为2008年1月至2012年12月(n=924).其次以不同性别间和以不同年龄段间进行分组分析.结果 (1) 20年中2 272例患者的前四位病因依次是慢性肾炎(CGN)、糖尿病肾病(DN)、梗阻性肾病和高血压肾病;(2)以进入透析的不同时间段分组分析中,CGN所占比率呈下降趋势,由A组的62.9%降至D组的37.2%;DN和高血压肾病所占比率逐渐上升,分别由3.8%升至22.7%和由3.8%升至11.3%,且D组患者中高血压肾病所占比率为11.3%,超过梗阻性肾病的9.1%,成为第三病因;(3)男性患者中梗阻性肾病和高血压肾病所占的比率分别为14.1%和9.8%,均高于女性患者的7.1%和6.3%,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);(4)年龄不同,DN所占的比率先升后降,60~70岁组所占比率最高,达30.4%;高血压肾病所占的比率逐渐增长,≥70岁组最高,达21.7%.结论 近20年海南地区新增MHD患者以CGN、DN、梗阻性肾病和高血压肾病为主要病因,但DN和高血压肾病所占比率逐渐增加. Objective To study the changes of protopathy distribution in 2 272 patients with maintenance he-modialysis (MHD) in Blood Purification Center of People's Hospital of Hainan Province. Methods The clinical data of patients with chronic kidney disease initiated MHD treatment during April 1992 to December 2012 were reviewed and analyzed. There were 2 272 MHD patients, which were divided into four groups according to the time of initiated MHD: group A (n=315, April 1992 to Dec. 1997), group B (n=396, Jan. 1998 to Dec. 2002), group C (n=637, Jan. 2003 to Dec. 2007), and group D (n=924, Jan. 2008 to Dec. 2012). The patients were also grouped according to gender (male and female) and age (〈30,30~40,40~50, 50~60, 60~70 and≥70 years old). The protopathy distribution in dif-ferent groups were analyzed and compared. Results (1) Chronic glomerular nephritis (CGN), diabetic nephropathy, obstructive nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy were the most common causes for the 2 272 MHD patients in the 20 years. (2) In the analysis of different time periods, the ratio of CGN decreased significantly, from 62.9% in group A to 37.2%in group D. And the ratio of diabetic nephropathy increased significantly, from 3.8%in group A to 22.7%in group D. The ratio of hypertensive nephropathy increased from 3.8%in group A to 11.3%in group D. The ra-tio of hypertensive nephropathy was 11.3%in group D and the ratio of obstructive nephropathy was 9.1%. Therefore, hypertensive nephropathy was the third cause in group D. (3) The ratios of obstructive nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy in male patients group were 14.1%and 9.8%, significantly higher than 7.1%and 6.3%in female patients group, respectively (P〈0.01). (4) The distribution of diabetic nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy was signifi-cantly different in various age groups. The biggest ratio of diabetic nephropathy was 30.4%in 60~70 years old group. The biggest ratio of hypertensive nephropathy was 21.7% in ≥70 years old group. Conclusion In the recent 20 years, CGN, DN, obstructive nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy were the main causes for the 2 272 new MHD patients, with the proportion of DN and hypertension nephropathy increased gradually.
出处 《海南医学》 CAS 2015年第19期2834-2837,共4页 Hainan Medical Journal
关键词 终末期肾病 维持性血液透析 慢性肾炎 糖尿病肾病 高血压肾病 梗阻性肾病 End-stage renal disease Maintenance hemodialysis Chronic glomerular nephritis Diabetes ne-phropathy Hypertensive nephropathy Obstructive nephropathy
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