

Reggio Emilia under Cultural Adaptation
摘要 近年来,瑞吉欧教育风格在我国掀起了一股热潮,无论是以瑞吉欧名义开办的幼儿园还是园所开展的方案教学都与意大利瑞吉欧大相径庭。无疑,瑞吉欧之所以能取得成功是立足于其所处的环境中,若脱离了当地的文化环境,它将不能完全移植到其它地区。瑞吉欧之所以能受到世界瞩目,有其精髓之处,但我们在借鉴瑞吉欧的同时应以适应文化为前提,注意文化的差异性,在保留其园所的独特教育风格上,针对自己的不足来吸收瑞吉欧的精髓,以运用其中并找到适合其自身生长的土壤,并生根发芽。 In the recent years, the Reggio style of education has caused an important upsurge in our country. However, neither the kindergartens run under the name of Reggio nor the scheme teaching in the kindergarten is widely divergent from the Italian Reggio. No doubt, the reason why Roggio succeeds depend on being established in the local situation. If broken away from the local cultural environment, it can not be transplanted to other areas. It goes without saying that the reason why Roggio is able to cause worldwide attention is that it has its own distillation. But the borrowing of Roggio should be based on premise of cultural adaptation to cultural differences and, on the basis of keeping the original educational style of the kindergarten, adapt its distillation, make use of it and find out where it is suitable for its growth and take root and shot up.
作者 袁媛
出处 《教育文化论坛》 2015年第5期123-126,共4页 Tribune of Education Culture
关键词 文化适应性 瑞吉欧·艾密莉亚 教育风格 启示与借鉴 cuhural adaptation Reggio Emilia style of education revelation and reference
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