目的观察抗菌肽联合透明质酸治疗中度寻常痤疮的有效性和安全性。方法入选30例面部中度寻常痤疮(Pillsbury改良分类法Ⅱ~Ⅲ级)的患者,给予抗菌肽联合透明质酸敷料连续治疗28 d,在0、7、14、28 d进行随访,每次随访均进行面部皮损数量计数,研究者总体评估(IGA)评分和调查受试者满意度,并采用VISIA照相,黑素、红斑指数和经表皮水分丢失量测量,同时观察皮肤耐受情况。结果患者面部炎性皮损及皮损总数明显下降,第14天及第28天与基线相比P〈0.05,差异具有统计学意义;IGA评分也下降,第28天(1.958±0.55)与基线(2.125±0.338)相比,P〈0.05;VISIA照片分析显示皮损数量减少,同时卟啉量明显减少,提示痤疮丙酸杆菌数量减少,第28天与基线相比P〈0.05;皮肤红斑指数E值下降,第28天与基线相比,P〈0.05,差异具有统计学意义;受试者满意度调查中,67%的患者满意,33%的患者表示一般。研究中仅1例受试者出现产品不耐受现象,经分析认为其是敏感性皮肤,与受试产品无关。结论抗菌肽联合透明质酸治疗中度寻常痤疮安全有效。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of two new products contain antimicrobial peptides and hyaluronic acid in the treatment of moderate acne vulgaris. Methods Thirty patients with moderate acne vulgaris,according to Pillsbury classification,were enrolled. The combined treatment was given to the subjects consistently for 28 days. All subjects were followed-up on 7,14 and 28 days. The lesion count,IGA score and subject's satisfaction were collected on each follow-up,as well as taking photos with VISIA,melanin index,erythema index and TWEL measurements. The adverse events were also observed. Results The number of inflammatory lesions and total lesions were significantly reduced after 14 days treatment(P〈0.05). IGA score also decreased,which was 1.958±0.55 on day 28 vs. 2.125±0.338 on day 0(P〈0.05). The erythema index and porphyrin values were also significantly reduced at day 28 compared with baseline(P〈0.05). Only one subject showed intolerance to the mask,who was considered to be sensitive skin and the reaction was not related to the product. Conclusion The new products contain antimicrobial peptides and hyaluronic acid can be used safely and effectively in moderate acne vulgaris patients.
Journal of Practical Dermatology
Acne vulgaris
Antimicrobial peptides
Hyaluronic acid