
女式连体泳衣压力对人体生理指标的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Women's One-Piece Swimwear Pressure on Human Physiology
摘要 研究了女式连体泳衣压力对人体生理指标的影响.选择10名既符合160/84A号型,又会蛙泳的女大学生为实验对象,用德国Novel公司生产的测量压力分布的传感器和日本生产的生理监测仪采集静止—运动—静止状态下人体的心率、血压等生理指标.实验结果表明:服装压力越大,不同运动状态下的收缩压、舒张压和心率有一定程度的下降;在运动状态时,心率和血压的变化比较显著,胸部的服装压力舒适阈值为0.98 k Pa,腹部的服装压力舒适阈值为0.48 k Pa;腰部的服装压力舒适阈值为0.39 k Pa. The effect of women' s one-piece swimwear pressure on human physiology was discussed. Ten female undergraduates who match 160 /84 A type and can swim the breaststroke were employed as subjects,the heart rate and blood pressure in static-dynamic-static state were measured by the Novel pressure sensor of Germany and physiological data monitor of Japan. The experiment result shows that the systolic pressure,heart rate and blood pressure decrease with the increasing of clothing pressure under different movement states. The heart rate and blood pressure show a remarkable change in exercise. The pressure comfort threshold values of the chest,abdomen and waist are 0. 98,0. 48,0. 39 kPa respectively.
作者 曲畅 宋晓霞
出处 《上海工程技术大学学报》 CAS 2015年第3期284-288,共5页 Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science
关键词 泳衣 舒适性 生理指标 服装压力 swimwear pressure comfort physiological response clothing pressure
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