

Sino-Tai Correspondences in Old Chinese- Rimes
摘要 李方桂(1931)在其经典论文"切韵a的来源"中,从《诗经》三百篇的用韵以及谐声偏旁来考察,发现有一类a在切韵时代在诗韵里时,常同含有a??e(e)的字押韵,同时也跟这些字谐声,并跟上古音的部分之部字、侵部、职字及谈部、合部字有关,包括覃、谈,合、缉、咍、灰、之,这类字高本汉全部拟作*a。李先生认为它们一定另有来源。文章考察汉语和台语在之部、微部的对应词。研究发现,汉台语在之、微两部存在相当数量的关系词,可以建立语音对应。其中一部分台语对应词保留了某些古老特征。这些特征可以从侗水、仡央语中找到旁证。这类对应为汉台语的发生学问题提供了新材料,同时为古汉语及原始台语的构拟增添了新的佐证。另一些对应词则体现了汉语和台语各自不同的创新。 In a classic paper titled "The Sources of Ancient Chinese Vowel a" (Li 1931), Professor Li Fang-Kuei examined the rhymes in Shijing and the phonetic series therein, and discovered that a group of/a/ rhymes in the Qieyun period often rhymes with words taking/a a e e(e)/ rhymes, with which they also have xiesheng contact. These items are related to a number of words in OC 之(-eg),微(-ed) and 职(-ek) rhyme groups as well as those in the 谈(-am) and 合 (-ap) rhyme groups. They include items such as 覃,谈,合,缉,咍,灰 and 之, for which Karlgren proposed *a. Professor Li believed that these must have come from different sources. This paper investigates Sino-Tai correspondences in the Old Chinese rhyme groups of 之(-eg) and 微(-ed) along the lines of Li. About three dozen correspondence sets can be established between Chinese and Tai. Some of them are found to preserve archaic features in Tai, supported by cognates in Kam-Sui and Kadai. These correspondence sets provide fresh insight into the issue of the genetic relationship between Chinese and Kam-Tai. They also have implications for the reconstruction of OC and Proto Kam-Tai. Several items show innovations in Tai and Chinese.
作者 罗永现
出处 《百色学院学报》 2015年第4期33-41,共9页 JOURNAL OF BAISE UNIVERSITY
关键词 汉台语发生学 汉台语关系词 原始台语构拟 之部字 Sino-Tai links, comparative Tai, Old Chinese and Proto-Tai reconstruction, Old Chinese -e(之) rhymes
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