
全球重要领域的新药研发与进展 被引量:5

Global Progress of New Drugs in Major Areas
摘要 本文主要聚焦于抗丙肝、调血脂、糖尿病等7大重要治疗领域,通过跟踪这些领域的新药研发进程,对这些领域的药物治疗进展进行了一个较为全面的回顾,并对全球近年来新上市以及在研的治疗药物进行了重点介绍。 This paper mainly focus on anti-HCV, reduced cholesterol, diabetes and several other important therapeutic areas. It reviews the progress of drug therapy in these areas by tracking new drug research and development process, and new drugs listed in recent years and clinical drugs in the research are also introduced.
作者 田月 赵志刚
出处 《药品评价》 CAS 2015年第18期6-11,46,共7页 Drug Evaluation
关键词 重要治疗领域 新药研发 进展 Important Therapeutic Areas Drug Research Progress
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