
一种便携式通用型担架车的设计与实现 被引量:3

Design and Implementation of a Portable Stretcher
摘要 针对现有担架车笨重、结构复杂、携带不便、不易安装等问题,本研究采用剪叉式升降结构和可折叠横杆设计、研制了一种新型便携式担架车,主要由可折叠升降结构、可折叠横杆、手握部、魔术贴及万向走轮组成。实际应用表明,该担架车具有可折叠、体积小、重量轻、可高低位无级转换、推用和担用相结合、道路通过性好的优点,值得临床推广。 In view of the disadvantages of the current stretcher like heavy weight, complicate structure and inconvenience, a new stretcher with small size and light weigh was developed with adoption of a lifting structure comprised of scissor components and folding bar. The new stretcher was mainly composed of a folding lifting structure, folding bar, hand part, velcro and universal wheels. According to the actual application, the stretcher proved its features of portability, safety and usability, which deserved wider clinical promotion.
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2015年第10期117-118,共2页 China Medical Devices
关键词 担架车 剪叉式升降结构 可折叠横杆 魔术贴 stretcher scissor lifting structure folding bar velcro
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