为明确36种中国主要消费蔬菜多酚提取物的总酚含量和抑制人肝癌细胞Hep G2和人结肠腺癌细胞Caco-2增殖活性,分别采用Folin-Ciocalteu法确定了蔬菜提取物的总酚含量,采用亚甲基蓝法确定了其抗Hep G2和Caco-2细胞增殖的活性,分析了总酚含量与抗Hep G2和Caco-2细胞增殖活性之间的相关性。结果表明,36种蔬菜每百克中没食子酸当量:芥蓝(973.09±31.29)μmol/hg,莲藕(920.55±29.00)μmol/hg,它们的总酚含量最高;丝瓜(44.94±4.16)μmol/hg,其总酚含量最低。在可测出抗增殖EC50值的蔬菜中,韭菜(15.96±0.88)mg/m L和蒜苔(17.54±0.03)mg/m L,它们的抗Hep G2细胞增殖的活性最强;上海青(390.52±17.63)mg/m L和空心菜(394.25±11.89)mg/m L,它们的活性最弱。韭菜抗Caco-2细胞增殖的活性最强,为(21.08±1.67)mg/m L;青尖椒的活性最弱,为(390.17±4.78)mg/m L。这些蔬菜的抗Hep G2和Caco-2细胞增殖活性与其总酚含量相关性均不显著(R2=0.027 1,p>0.05;R2=0.151 3,p>0.05),表明蔬菜的抗肿瘤活性不能单从其多酚含量的高低来推测。
The work was to determine the phenolic contents and the antiproliferative activities on human liver cells Hep G2 and human colon cancer cells Caco-2 of 36 commonly consumed vegetables in China. Based on the Folin-Ciocalteu method,Brassica alboglabra L. H. Bailey(Chinese kale)(973.09±31.29 μmol GAE/100 g of fresh vegetable) and Nodus Nelumbins Rhizomatis(lotus root)(920.55 ±29.00 μmol GAE/100 g of fresh vegetable) were found to have the highest total phenolic contents,whereas Luffa cylindrica(L.)(Roem. towel gourd)(44.94±4.16 μmol GAE/100 g fresh vegetable) had the lowest phenolic content. According to the methylene blue assay for the quantifiable antiproliferative activities,A. tuberosum(Chinese chive) and galic bolt(garlic sprout)had the strongest antiproliferative activities on Hep G2 cells with EC50 values of 15.96±0.88 mg/m L and 17.54 ±0.03 mg/m L,respectively,and A. tuberosum(Chinese chive) also had the strongest antiproliferative activity on Caco-2 cells(EC50value of 21.08±1.67 mg/m L);Brassicachinensis L.(Shanghai pakchoi)(EC50value of 390.52 ±17.63 mg/m L) and Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.(water spinach)(EC50value of 394.25 ±11.89 mg/m L) exerted the weakest antiproliferative activities on Hep G2 cells,and Capsicum annuum(green chili pepper)(EC50value of 390.217±4.78 mg/m L) had the weakest activity on Caco-2 cells. The study did not prove a significant correlation between the total phenolic contents and the antiproliferative activities on Hep G2(R2=0.0271,p0.05) and Caco-2(R2=0.151 2,p0.05) cells,indicating that the inhibition of cancer cells by vegetables could not be explained solely by their phenolic contents.
Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology