庐山会议是中共中央在“大跃进”、人民公社化运动后召开的会议 ,会议的目的是要纠正实际工作中存在的“左”倾错误。但由于当时对实际工作中“左”倾错误的严重性认识不足 ,以及阶级斗争扩大化理论的新发展和对形势判断的错误 ,加上一些社会历史原因 ,使庐山会议的纠“左”进程发生中断并转向反右 ,给党。
The Lushan Conference was a meeting convened by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party after the movements of the Great Leap Forward and People's Communization. The purpose of which was to correct the “Left' Deviation existing in practical work. But because of inadequate recognition of the seriousness of the “Left' Deviation in practical work at that time, the new development of the theory on magnification of class struggle, mistakes in judging the situation, and some other social and historical reasons, correcting the “Left' Deviation was suspended and changed its direction to Anti-Rightist struggle during the Lushan conference. Thus a lot of damages were done to the Party, the nation and the people.