为了明确二氯吡啶酸对春玉米田阔叶杂草的防治效果,采用田间小区试验。结果表明:75%二氯吡啶酸可溶性粉剂在春玉米四至五叶期,杂草三至四叶期的适宜用药量为202.50~236.25 g/hm^2,该剂量下对春玉米田主要阔叶杂草刺儿菜的鲜重防效理想,药后30 d的鲜重防效为95.2%~100.0%,对苣荬菜、草地风毛菊、藜的鲜重防效随用药剂量的增加防效明显提高,鲜重防效分别为79.5%~100.0%、73.2%~95.2%、72.6%~85.4%,且对玉米安全。
The field plot experiment was conducted to study broad-leaf weed control of 75% clopyralid soluble granules (SG)in spring maize field.The results showed that when the using dosage was 202.50-236.25 g/hm2 in 4-5 leaf stage of spring maize and 3-4 leaf stage of weed,75% clopyralid soluble granules had good control effect on Cirsium setosum,the fresh weight control effect was 95.2%-100.0% after 30 days.The fresh weight control effect on Sonchus brachyotus ,Saussurea amara and Chenopodium album increased significantly with the dosage increasing,and the control effect was 79.5%-100.0%, 73.2%-95.2% and 72.6%-85.4%, separately, and it was safe to maize.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology