In order to analyze the factors influencing sandstone mechanical compaction and its physical property evolution during compaction processes, simulation exper- iments on sandstone mechanical compaction were carried out with a self-designed diagenetic simulation system. The experimental materials were modem sediments from dif- ferent sources, and the experiments were conducted under high temperature and high pressure. Results of the exper- iments show a binary function relation between primary porosity and mean size as well as sorting. With increasing overburden pressure during mechanical compaction, the evolution of porosity and permeability can be divided into rapid compaction at an early stage and slow compaction at a late stage, and the dividing pressure value of the two stages is about 12 MPa and the corresponding depth is about 600 m. In the slow compaction stage, there is a good exponential relationship between porosity and overburden pressure, while a good power function relationship exists between permeability and overburden pressure. There is also a good exponential relationship between porosity and permeability. The influence of particle size on sandstone mechanical compaction is mainly reflected in the slowcompaction stage, and the influence of sorting is mainly reflected in the rapid compaction stage. Abnormally high pressure effectively inhibits sandstone mechanical com- paction, and its control on sandstone mechanical com- paction is stronger than that of particle size and sorting. The influence of burial time on sandstone mechanical compaction is mainly in the slow compaction stage, and the porosity reduction caused by compaction is mainly con- trolled by average particle size.
In order to analyze the factors influencing sandstone mechanical compaction and its physical property evolution during compaction processes, simulation exper- iments on sandstone mechanical compaction were carried out with a self-designed diagenetic simulation system. The experimental materials were modem sediments from dif- ferent sources, and the experiments were conducted under high temperature and high pressure. Results of the exper- iments show a binary function relation between primary porosity and mean size as well as sorting. With increasing overburden pressure during mechanical compaction, the evolution of porosity and permeability can be divided into rapid compaction at an early stage and slow compaction at a late stage, and the dividing pressure value of the two stages is about 12 MPa and the corresponding depth is about 600 m. In the slow compaction stage, there is a good exponential relationship between porosity and overburden pressure, while a good power function relationship exists between permeability and overburden pressure. There is also a good exponential relationship between porosity and permeability. The influence of particle size on sandstone mechanical compaction is mainly reflected in the slowcompaction stage, and the influence of sorting is mainly reflected in the rapid compaction stage. Abnormally high pressure effectively inhibits sandstone mechanical com- paction, and its control on sandstone mechanical com- paction is stronger than that of particle size and sorting. The influence of burial time on sandstone mechanical compaction is mainly in the slow compaction stage, and the porosity reduction caused by compaction is mainly con- trolled by average particle size.
co-funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.U1262203)
the National Science and Technology Special Grant (Grant No.2011ZX05009003)
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.14CX06013A)
the Chinese Scholarship Council (No.201406450019)