4UN.the International Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, UNESCO, http://www.unesco.org/education,2005.
5DfES. Sustainable Development Action Plan for Education and Skills. London: DfES Sustainable Development Report, 2003,P 1. http://www.dfes.gov.uk/aboutus/sd/actionplan.shtml.
7Learning for Our Future. UK http://www.dfes.gov.uk/abou- tus/sd/actionplan.shtml,2006-12-20.
8Learning for Our Future :DfES Sustainable Development Action Plan 2005/2006, DfES, www.dfes.gov.uk.
9Learning For Our Future: Scotland's First Action Plan for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development httt://wwwscotlandgovnk/Publications/2006/07/25143907/2.
10Strategy for Sustainable schools, Crown Copyright 2006, Produced by DfES, www.dfes.gov.uk.