目的调查湖北省和四川省各一个市4家非政府组织(NGO),对男男性行为人群(MSM)开展干预工作的运作情况及干预活动内容,运用卫生经济学方法测算MSM干预的单位成本。方法通过前期查阅资料,并结合问卷调查的方式,了解NGO在MSM干预的活动及费用使用等信息。借鉴亚洲发展银行开发的为估算遏制艾滋病流行所需资源的模型(ADB模型),对数据进行分析,测算单位成本。结果 2013年,NGO经费来源以国际合作项目资助为主,开展MSM干预的4家NGO的干预年度单位成本分别为186元/人/年、304元/人/年、294元/人/年、207元/人/年,平均247.75元/人/年。干预经费支出主要以外展人员补助和行为改变活动为主,占总支出的58.1%~77.0%。结论不同的NGO开展MSM艾滋病干预工作的单位成本,受活动内容、频次、单价及目标人群规模大小等影响,有一定差距。因此,需要根据不同组织的结构以及具体情况,更科学合理地分配卫生资源。
Objective To calculate the unit cost of intervention for Men who have sex with men(MSM)across four NGOs in two different cities with ADB model by applying the principles of health economics methods.Methods Intervention activity’s contents were analyzed,unit cost was acquired through searching information and direct inquiry.Data were used to develop a unit cost calculation in accordance with ADB model.Result In 2013,NGO funding sources were based on international cooperation projects fund.The unit cost of MSMs’ intervention in organization A,B,C,D were 110 RMB,136RMB,187 RMB and 218 RMB per person per year,respectively.In organization A,B,C,D,the intervention expenditures were mainly used for personnel assistance and behavior change activities.Conclusions The unit cost of HIV/AIDS intervention of different NGOs could be influenced by some factors,including intervention activity’s contents,frequency,unit price,size of the target population and so on.We need to allocate health resources scientifically and rationally according to the structure and circumstance of different organizations.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD