
基于人体骨盆运动轨迹的康复辅助机构设计 被引量:3

Design of the assistive device based on the analysis of pelvic movement during walking
摘要 针对临床康复医师提出在下肢行走障碍患者康复训练过程中,患者身体重心缺乏在左右两脚之间的横向移动能力,从而影响行走甚至导致跌倒的问题,本文通过健康人步态行走过程的骨盆运动特征,对复杂的骨盆运动学和运动轨迹进行分析,提炼出骨盆侧向移动的轨迹和范围。根据人体工学分析,设计辅助骨盆侧向移动的机构,配合康复机器人应用在下肢行走训练,使得康复训练更接近健康人的自然状态,有利于训练过程中机械设备和人的相互作用。此方法获得医生和治疗师们的高度评价,并通过仿真试验做出了验证。 It is emphasized by therapists that body-weight shifting to the corresponding leg during stance phase and moving to the other during swing phase is important to conduct efficient walking training and avoid loss of balance control. Kinematics and motion analysis are carried out on the pelvis area of healthy participants to obtain the lateral motion trajectory of pelvis in this paper. The significance of lateral shift during walking training is highlighted. The function of body-weight lateral shifting mechanism are proposed and designed to incorporate on the effective gait training based on Bio-engineering analysis. A prototype is designed to provide the lateral assistance for patients and shift the body weight as needed for a natural walking rehabilitation during human and machine interaction. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed prototype and positively evaluated by doctors and therapists.
作者 王萍
出处 《北京生物医学工程》 2015年第5期482-488,共7页 Beijing Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51505037) 陕西省自然科学基金重点项目(2014K05-59)资助
关键词 骨盆运动 平衡 步态分析 康复 pelvis movement balance gait analysis rehabilitation
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