目的探讨首都医科大学心血管学科科技论文产出随时间变化的趋势,为日后该校心血管领域的学科发展奠定良好的基础。方法以美国ISI Web of Science的Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)引文数据库为检索对象,检索2001~2014年间SCIE收录的相关文献,分阶段对不同检索条件下的发文数、排名、H指数及文献被引频次等进行统计分析。结果从心血管学科各专业发文数量看,首都医科大学发文数量占国内相关领域的比例在逐渐加大。在"十二五"期间,除心律失常专业外,首都医科大学在外周血管疾病、高血压病等心血管相关领域的发文量已进入国内前五行列。首都医科大学论文的H指数在"十一五"以后有了明显提升。与阜外心血管病医院相比较,首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院在论文发表数量和被引用情况方面均存在一定差距。结论近年首都医科大学在心血管学科的发展状况良好,论文数量逐年增加,但高质量论文少,因此今后应重视提升内部的科研管理,对外加强与先进科研机构的合作,以实现心血管学科的更大发展。
Objective To analyze the trends in published articles of cardiovascular diseases in Capital Medical University( CMU),and to provide good foundation for subject development of cardiovascular diseases.Methods Articles published in Science Citation Index Expanded( attached to Web of Science) from 2001 to2014 were searched,and quantity of the articles,rankings,H index and cited frequency were analyzed by using bibliometrics principles and citation analysis. Results After we analyzed the quantity of the articles in different cardiovascular sub-disciplines,we found that the proportion of articles published by CMU increased year by year. In the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period,the quantities of the articles in most sub-disciplines of CMU ranked within the top 5 in China,except for arrhythmia. H index of CMU increased significantly since the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period. Beijing Anzhen Hospital was not as good as Fuwai Hospital in both the quantity of the articles and cited frequencies. Conclusions The development momentum of cardiovascular discipline in CMU is strong in these years. The quantities of published articles increase year by year while the article quality still needs to be improved. In future,we should pay more attention to the promotion of scientific research management, and strengthen the cooperation to foreign advanced research groups and institutes to make further development of cardiovascular discipline in CMU.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering