
外宣翻译本体研究的多维思考 被引量:4

Studies on the International Publicity Translation:a Multiple Dimension
摘要 文章总结了目前外宣翻译研究的特点与不足,认为最大的不足就是它不具有学科地位,对中国建构国家形象产生了负面影响。此外,还阐述了翻译的学科地位,探析了外宣翻译研究的翻译学和传播学属性,建设性地提出了跨学科视野下的外宣翻译的内部体系和外部体系。 Characters and inadequacies in the studies of the international publicity translation are summarized. It is concluded that the worst inadequacy is that it fails to take a discipline branch so that it does not contribute to the construction of China's image. In addition,this paper also explores the discipline status of the study of translation,as well as the translation study and communication character of the international publicity translation. The interior and exterior system of the international publicity translation is proposed from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
作者 韦忠生
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2015年第10期109-113,共5页 Journal of Harbin University
基金 国家语委十二五科研规划项目 项目编号:YB125-98
关键词 外宣翻译 翻译学 传播学 外宣翻译体系建构 the international publicity translation translation study communication the construction of the system of the international publicity translation
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