
单体半滑行穿浪船船型与静水航行性能 被引量:7

Analysis of the hull form and sailing characters in calm water of a semi-planing wave-piercing boat
摘要 半滑行穿浪船是一种结合了混合式内倾型穿浪船艏和半滑行式水下船体的高速单体穿浪船,同时具有穿浪船的穿浪特性和半滑行船的航行特性,拥有良好的快速性和适航性。半滑行穿浪船采用具有折角设计的压浪型干舷,折角线在船长方向上与水线之间存在夹角。压浪干舷具有抑制内倾型船舶的干舷上浪、提供升力、增加储备浮力和减摇的作用。通过基于动网格的数值计算,对压浪干舷的纵向倾角及优选纵向倾角下的半滑行穿浪船在静水中的航行特性进行研究。计算结果表明:拥有较小纵向倾角的压浪干舷的使用效果较好;半滑行穿浪船同排水型穿浪船相比其在高速段的阻力和姿态得到了很大改善。 In this paper, a semi-planing wave-piercing boat combining a hybrid tumblehome bow and asemi-planing hull, which has the features of both a wave-piercing boat and a semi-planing boat, is pro-posed to achieve the abilities of cutting through waves and decent speed. The semi-planing wave-piercingboat's freeboard has knuckles and is designed as anti-submergence. The freeboard could control submer-gence faced by a tumblehome bow, producing positive lift and extra reserve buoyancy, and improves theroll. The longitudinal angle of the anti-submergence freeboard is analyzed, and the boat's sailing charactersin calm water with a chosen angle are calculated in a numerical way with dynamic mesh. The results showthat anti-submergence freeboard works better with small longitudinal angles, and the boat has smaller dragand better hull gesture at high speed compared to a high-speed displacement wave-piercing boat.
出处 《中国舰船研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期16-21,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ship Research
基金 上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室研究项目资助(GKZD010061)
关键词 半滑行穿浪船 压浪干舷 数值计算 动网格 阻力 姿态 semi-planing wave-piercing boat anti-submergence freeboard numerical calculation dynamic mesh drag gesture
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