
列宁在处理农民问题上的矛盾和纠结 被引量:4

Lenin's Contradiction and Struggle on Dealing with the Peasant Issue
摘要 无产阶级在农民占人口多数的经济文化落后国家取得政权后,如何正确对待农民权益,如何依靠工农联盟巩固政权,如何引导农民走社会主义道路,是摆在执政的共产党面前必须面对的重大问题。由于局势紧张,又缺乏经验,加上一些传统观念的束缚,列宁在苏维埃共和国初期处理农民问题上存在诸多矛盾和纠结,在政策上也有不少失误。新经济政策实施后,列宁对此作了深刻的反思,并在实践中不断探索解决农民问题的根本出路。尽管列宁最终没有完成自己的探索和转变,但他总结的经验教训是十分可贵的。可是,后来的领导人未能忠实继承列宁的政治遗产,造成苏联"三农"问题长期得不到解决。梳理和研究列宁在处理农民问题上的经验教训,仍有历史和现实的意义。 After the proletariat took the national power in a economically and culturally backward Russia, in which peasants accounted for most of the population, how to correctly treat the peasants' rights and interests,' how to rely on the alliance of workers and peasants to consolidate the political power, and how to guide peasants to the socialist road, these are the most emergent issues that the Communist Party in power must confront. Due to the tense situations, with the lack of governing experience, also sometimes restrained by traditional notions, there were lots of contradiction and struggle when Lenin dealt with issues of agriculture at the beginning of the Soviet Republic, and furthermore mistakes in the policy. After the implement of New Economic Policy, Lenin made a deep reflection on that period, and keep exploring from practice the fundamental way to solve the problem of agriculture and peasants. Although Lenin ultimately did not finish his exploration or think up a completely new theory, what he summarized was still fundamentally valuable. Unfortunately, the subsequent Soviet leaders failed to inherit Lenin's legacy faithfully, which made the issue of agriculture and peasants not be solved at all. In this sense, it is still of historical and realistic significance to research Lenin's reflections on dealing with agriculture and peasants.
作者 周尚文
机构地区 华东师范大学
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期34-44,共11页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 苏俄农民问题 粮食政策 列宁的矛盾和纠结 探索与转变 Soviet Russian Peasant Issue Food Policy Lenin's Contradiction and Struggle Exploration and Convert
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