

On the Influence of High-speed Rail Tourists' Novelty-seeking Motivation on their Exploratory Intention
摘要 通过对长沙市高铁游客的问卷调查,深入剖析了高铁游客新奇追求动机及其对探索意愿的影响关系。因子分析提取了高铁游客新奇追求动机有追求刺激、改变生活、减少厌倦和摆脱常规等4个维度。方差分析结果表明,新奇追求动机在不同年龄、文化程度、家庭结构的人群间无显著差异,在不同性别、职业和收入水平人群则差异显著。有别于推荐与重游意愿,游客中存在较高的探索意愿,回归分析发现新奇追求动机的改变生活、减少厌倦和摆脱常规3维度显著影响游客的探索意愿。 This paper pores over the influence of high-speed rail tourist's novelty-seeking motivation on their exploratory intentions by means of a questionnaire survey of Changsha. Factor analyses suggest four dimensions of novelty-seeking: seeking stimulus, changing life styles, reducing boredom, and escaping from everyday routines. Variance analyses suggest that there is little discrepancy between people in terms of age, educational background and family structure, but a large gap between those of different sexes, occupations and incomes. The tourists exhibit high levels of exploratory motivations rather than recommendation and re-visit intentions. A regression analysis shows that the three factors of life changing, boredom reduction, and routine flee claim greater impact on high-speed rail tourists' exploratory intentions.
作者 胥郁
出处 《四川旅游学院学报》 2015年第6期48-51,57,共5页 Journal of Sichuan Tourism University
基金 湖南省教育科学研究项目"高铁背景下的湖南旅游产业结构调整与空间布局优化研究"的阶段性成果 项目编号:13C996
关键词 高速铁路 新奇追求 探索意愿 影响因素 high-speed railway novelty seeking exploratory intention influencing factors
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