

Technical Innovation, Non-technical Factor Collaboration and Enterprise Performance——Based on the Multi-case Study of Tibetan Carpet Enterprises
摘要 在市场经济条件下西藏经济迅速发展,民族手工业等特色产业逐渐壮大,大量研究揭示民族手工业发展与市场之间的密切关系。西藏藏毯企业在外部环境与青海藏毯企业日益趋同的情况下仍存在巨大差异,需要从企业内部微观层面诠释深层次原因。文章以企业创新理论为基础,在综合现有的技术创新影响因素的基础上构建西藏藏毯企业技术创新影响模型,选择4家具有代表性的藏毯企业进行案例研究。发现现有研究揭示的技术创新影响因素并不都适用于藏毯企业,突出表现在内部受技术创新能力和激励机制的影响,外部受市场需求、市场竞争程度以及政府支持力度的影响,进一步研究发现技术创新与企业业绩之间受到技术因素和非技术因素协同程度的调节。 Under market economy, Tibet's economy develops rapidly. And the featured industries in Tibet, such as ethnic handicrafts, grow gradually, too. Numerous studies reveal a close relationship between ethnic handi- crafts' development and the market. The external environment of Qinghai ' s and Tibetan carpet business be- comes more and more convergent, but there are still huge differences between Tibetan carpet bus/pess in Qinghai and Tibet, which needs high-level interpretation and micro-level analysis of the enterprises. Basing on the Enter- prise Innovation Theory, this article integrates the existing influential factors of technological innovation so as to construct an influential model of the technological innovation for Tibetan carpet. And 4 typical Tibetan carpet en- terprises are selected as study cases, the study shows that not all the existing influential factors about technical innovation research is applicable for the Tibetan carpet enterprises. Internally, the Tibetan carpet enterprises could be affected by the technological innovation and the incentive mechanism. Externallly, they could be affect- ed by the level of the market competition and the governments' support. Further studies find that the collabora- tion degree of technical and non-technical factors can regulate the technical factors and enterprise performance.
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第4期55-61,共7页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2012年度西藏自治区自然科学基金项目"生产技术创新对增强藏毯市场竞争力的研究"阶段性成果 项目号:Z2012A08G08/00
关键词 技术创新 企业绩效 西藏藏毯 案例研究 technical innovation, enterprise performance, Tibetan carpet, case study
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