Psychological health of the college students of minority nations is important in the higher education of China as it is a basic factor which affects the effectiveness of moral education and ideological and political work. Taking 993 Tibetan college students from 6 different colleges and universities in west China as research object, an analysis fias been done on the psychological health of the students and its influencing factors, and it is found that the problem of some student' psychological health is relatively more serious, such like, girl students, sopho- more students, students whose parents are farmers or herdsmen, and those whose parents have had no or little ed- ucation. Thus, it is important to improve the psychological health of the college students of minority nations through putting importance on situational education and the diversity of services, pursuing localization and na- tionalization of psychological health education, and achieving systemization of the education as well.
Tibetan college students
psychological health
educational strategy