

Characteristics Analysis of Architectural Decorative Patterns of Bohai Kingdom in Tang Dynasty
摘要 凡立国者,代代相承,其文化根系必将深远博大。唐代时期的渤海国,从立国至被灭,历经229年,有"海东盛国"之美誉。观其遗物,装饰图案有中华文化之风貌,彰显中华艺术之国风,然唐代渤海国,寓居东北边陲,地域辽阔,其国民生活环境、生产方式、宗教活动、居住状态等不尽平衡,其生活、生产或具有文化认同之建筑、图案等文化符号形态,在历史的沉淀与传承中,或继承、或发展、或变异,呈现出既有继承又有民族的特点。 Those who build a country, must be followed from one generation to another and its cultural roots will be far-reaching broad.The Bohai Kingdom in the period of Tang Dynasty, from it was established till to be destroyed, it go through 229 years, it has a reputation of " Haidong Shengguo". Watching its remains, the decorative pattern has the style and features of the Chinese culture and reflects the style of the Chinese art.However, the Bohai kingdom living in the northeast frontier, so it has vast territory, what makes item has the unbalanced citizens living environment, production mode, religious activities and living condition. It's life,production or the identified buildings and culture have the cultural symbols design which in the precipitation and inheritance of history, or inherited, or developed, or mutated, now it presents both inheritance and ethnic characteristics.
作者 董智 宗兰
出处 《江苏建筑》 2015年第5期27-29,共3页 Jiangsu Construction
基金 江苏省教育厅2013年度高校哲学社会科学研究项目"唐代渤海国工艺美术设计院发展概况研究"成果 项目号:2013SJB760019
关键词 唐代 渤海国 装饰图案 特点 Tang dynasty Bohai kingdom decorative patterns characteristic
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