

Analysis of Formation Mechanism of Baiyungou Debris Flow of Ahai Hydropower Station and Its Treatment Measures
摘要 通过对白云沟泥石流成因的分析,揭示出其成灾特点,并针对其成灾特点有的放矢地提出防治措施,白云沟泥石流采用拦挡为主,排导为辅的治理措施,设置两道拦挡坝,兼顾防洪度汛的要求。目前白云沟泥石流治理工程及排水系统调整工程均已施工完成,经历两个汛期考验,效果良好。 Debrisfl ow is a serious geological disaster produced in the mountains. It is induced by heavy rain, snow and ice melted water. The occurrence and development of the debrisfl ow is closely related to the formation and evolution of the mountain environment, environmental degradation, ecological imbalance, surface structure damage, soil erosion, the geological environmental degradation product and irrational production activities in the mountains. The analysis of the formation causes of Baiyungou debrisfl ow reveals its disaster characteristics, based on which its control measures were proposed purposefully, i.e. the control measures of Baiyungou debris fl ow rely mainly on retaining and interception while draining and dredging subsidiary, and two retaining dams are arranged to take account offl ood control requirement. At present the construction of both debrisfl ow control and drainage system works was completed and the debrisfl ow prevention and control works has undergone twofl ood seasons’ test, achieving good results.
作者 汪志刚
出处 《云南水力发电》 2015年第5期67-69,95,共4页 Yunnan Water Power
关键词 泥石流 形成原因 防治措施 debrisfl ow causes of formation prevention and control measures
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