
幻肢痛病理机制研究进展 被引量:2

The Research Advances of the Pathomechanism of Phantom Limb Pain(PLP)
摘要 幻肢痛即肢幻觉痛,指主观感觉已被截除的肢体仍然存在,并且伴有一定程度的疼痛,这类疼痛多出现在断肢的远端。目前幻肢痛的病理机制尚不明确,其临床研究主要依赖于患者的主观报告与心理物理测量。本文详述了幻肢痛的可能病理机制,并系统总结了研究幻肢痛病理机制的方法。总体来说,本文既能加深我们对幻肢痛病理机制的认识,也能为科研工作者和医护人员的临床诊断和治疗提供有效的参考依据。 Phantom limb pain (PLP)is a hallucination that the patient feels the existence of the limb af-ter its loss and experiences somewhat pain of the missing limb.Such a pain normally appears in the distal end of the missing limb.Currently,the pathomechanism of PLP is still unclear,and the clinical research of PLP mainly relies on the subjective report of the patients and the psychophysical measurements.In this paper,we discuss extensively the pathomechanism of PLP,and summarize comprehensively the advanced methods for studying the pathomechanism of PLP.In short,the paper could deepen our understanding of the pathomechanism of PLP,and could serve as an effective instruction basis for researchers and doctors to diagnose and treat the PLP.
出处 《生理科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期341-346,共6页 Progress in Physiological Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(31200856,31471082)资助课题
关键词 幻肢痛 病理机制 研究进展 pathomechanism research advances
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