围绕国家工信部最新发布的国家纺织行业标准FZ/T 97032—2014《高速丝袜机》,详细解读了该标准的适用范围、基本参数及质量要求等主要内容,并比照FZ/T 97021—2009《电脑织袜机》标准解析了两者的主要异同点,同时提出了高速丝袜机标准在使用过程中应注意的问题。为众多生产、用户企业及检测机构正确理解和实施该标准提供参考,为广大检测鉴定和验收人员评价高速丝袜机质量提供帮助和指导。
According to the new industry standard FZ/T 97032--2014 High-speed Stocking Machines published by National Ministry of Industry, the paper analyzes in detail the application categories, main parameters and quali- ty requirements of this standard,and describes the main differences from FZ/T 97021--2009 Computerized Hosiery Knitter, which includes some related notices. It helps the producers, customers and the third party inspection insti- tutions to understand and distinguish the standard, and also provides some help for regulating production and checking and purchasing the high-speed stocking machines.
Knitting Industries