介绍了西门子新型电气伺服控制技术,采用TECHNOLOGY CPU以及IM174接口模块构建伺服控制系统,并成功应用于快锻液压机液压缸伺服驱动及控制,实现了快锻液压机压头位置的准确控制与压头的柔性调速。通过实际验证和应用,系统具有动态响应快、定位控制性能优良等特点,该新型液压缸电气伺服控制技术对于提高快锻液压机的高频次和高精度控制具有重要作用,此项技术的推广应用对各类液压设备中液压轴定位及速度控制具有现实指导意义。
This article describes the new electric servo control technology of Siemens, TECHNOLOGY CPU and IM174 interface module to build a servo control system, and successfully applied to cylinder servo drive and control of the fast forging hydraulic presses to achieve position accurate control and flexible speed adjustment. Through practical verification and application, the system has fast dynamic response, excellent performance characteristics of position control, the new cylinder electric servo control technology for improving the high-frequency and high-precision control of speed forging hydraulic press has an important role, promote the use of this technology for a variety of hydraulic equipment hydraulic axis positioning and speed control have practical significance.
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology