
劳务派遣工的心理契约履行和离职倾向——公平感的中介作用 被引量:2

The Relationship between Leased Workers' Perceived Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Intention to Quit:the Mediating Role of Justice Perception
摘要 公平感是影响员工态度行为的重要因素。文章将劳务派遣工感知到的心理契约履行程度作为判断感知公平的标准,分析派遣工的公平感知在其感知到的心理契约履行程度和离职倾向关系中的中介作用。实证研究结果表明:劳务派遣工感知到的心理契约履行程度有助于提高分配公平感知、程序公平感知和交往公平感知,但是只有分配公平感知在感知到的心理契约履行程度和离职倾向的关系中起中介作用。基于分配优势模型、中国的文化和制度情境以及劳务派遣工的雇佣关系特征对结论进行解释并讨论了结论的启示和意义。 Based on social exchange theory and social comparison theory,this study discusses the mediating role of leased workers' justice perception between the relationship of their perceived psychological contract fulfillment and intention to quit,while their perceived psychological contract fulfillment are regarded as standards to judge whether they receive fair treatment or not. Using a sample of 171 leased workers from 7 leasing agencies in South China by questionnaire,the results made by the structural equation model show that perceived psychological contract fulfillment fosters perceptions of distributive,procedural and interactive justice. However,only distributive injustice leads to intention to quit. This is explained by reference to the distributive dominance model,the cultural and institutional context in China as well as characteristics of leased workers' tripartite employment relationship.
出处 《华南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期18-23,共6页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71472066) 广东哲学社会科学规划项目(GD13cg L15) 教育部人文社科基金规划项目(14YJA630023)
关键词 公平感 心理契约履行 离职倾向 劳务派遣工 justice perception psychological contract fulfillment intention to quit leased workers
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