以山西省吕梁市中阳县的柏籽羊肉为试验对象,通过对比和分析保鲜过程中感官、菌落总数、TVBN值、p H值和高铁肌红蛋白含量等指标的变化,对柏籽羊肉保质期进行研究。研究结果表明,与普通羊肉相比,柏籽羊肉贮藏9d时,肉的p H值为6.3,TVB-N值和菌落总数显著低普通羊肉。总的来说,柏籽羊肉比普通羊肉在相同的储藏时间,就有较好的品质,保质期可以延长2~3d。
Cypress seed mutton from Zhongyang County of Luliang City in Shanxi Province was taken as the research object. Cypress seed mutton shelf life was researched by comparing and analyzing the change of sensory evaluation,total bacterial count,TVB- N value,p H value and content of metmyoglobin during preservation. The results showed that compared with ordinary mutton after being stored for 9days,the p H of chilled cypress seed mutton was 6. 3. And the TVB- N and the total bacteria count were significantly lower than ordinary mutton. Overall,at the same storage time,cypress seed mutton had better quality than ordinary mutton. And the shelf life could be extended by 2 to 3 days.
Meat Industry