

Application of traffic emission models and comparison of their adaptability
摘要 通过介绍国内外常用交通排放模型MOBILE,IVE,COPERT,MOVES,结合国内外应用的实际情况,从模型类型,计算原理,可移植性,参数可获性和计算精度等方面,对代表性交通排放模型进行了比较。 Based on the introduction of the several traffic emission models : MOBILE,IVE, COPERT and MOVES, which were widely used in the domestic and overseas, combined with the actual situation of application both at home and abroad, the authors compared these models from aspects of model type, calculation principle, model flexibility, parameter availability, and calculation accuracy. Finally, reference was provided on how to choose appropriate model according to different situations.
出处 《山东交通科技》 2015年第5期31-33,47,共4页
基金 国家科技支撑计划基金项目资助 高海拔高寒地区高速公路建设环境保护技术 项目编号:2014BAG05B06
关键词 交通排放模型 机动车 MOBILE IVE COPERT MOVES traffic emission model motor vehicle
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