
消费领域用能特征探究 被引量:1

Research on Features of Energy Utilized in the Field of Consumption
摘要 根据使用过程特征,可以将用能行为分成生产领域用能与消费领域用能。前者提供产品,后者提供服务。消费领域与生产领域用能存在不同特征,其评价方法、节能途径、战略政策等也存在差别。考虑到这一领域能耗可能是我国下一阶段能耗增长点,在节能领域需要对其给予足够的重视。本文在分析消费领域用能特征的基础上,提出对其的衡量方式和节能途径,并针对我国目前消费领域用能的现状给出建议。 According to the features of using process, the energy use could be divided into two categories including the energy use in the field of consumption(EUFC) to provide services and the energy using in the field of production(EUFP) to provide products. The feature of EUFC is different with EUFP, including evaluation methods, energy saving approach and developing strategy, etc. Considering its potential to be the main growing sector in the next period of energy consumption, more attention should be paid to EUFC. In this paper, based on the analysis of its features, the measure of EUFC and the energy saving approach are recommended, as well as the suggestions to the present situation in China.
出处 《中国工程科学》 北大核心 2015年第8期122-131,共10页 Strategic Study of CAE
基金 中国工程院重大咨询项目"生态文明建设若干战略问题研究"(2013-ZD-11)
关键词 消费领域 生产领域 能耗 特征 the field of consumption the field of production energy consumption feature
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