

Li Qingchen and Zhezong Shaoshu
摘要 哲宗绍述是北宋中后期的重要历史事件,李清臣作为变法派成员,在哲宗绍述过程中发挥了重要作用。哲宗亲政后,李清臣被召为中书侍郎,首倡绍述,为哲宗绍述政治的开展创造了广泛的社会舆论。绍圣元年四月,李清臣独颛中书,主持恢复了免役法,在各路复设提举常平官,为将来多项新法的恢复做了极其必要的前期准备。章惇入朝主持朝政后,与曾布、蔡卞等人对保守派进行了残酷的打击报复,导致党争倾轧愈演愈烈,严重制约了绍述政治的开展及其成效。对此,李清臣竭力反对,结果被排斥出朝廷。由李清臣首倡的绍述逐渐演变为章惇等变法派打击迫害元祐党人的一种运动,严重偏离了原来的正确方向。 Zhe Zong Shaoshu was an important historical event in the late Northern Song Dynasty. As a member of Reformists, Li Qingchen played an important role in the process of Zhe Zong Shaoshu. After Zhe Zong controled the government, Li Qingchen was promoted as Zhongshushilang. He initiated the Shaoshu first, and created a wide range of public opinion for the development of the Shaoshu politics in Zhe Zong Dynasty. In April of the first year of Shaosheng, Li Qingchen was exercising power alone in the central government, and took charge of recovering Mianyifa, reappointed Tijuchangpingguan in each Lu, which is very necessary for the recovery of a number of New Measures in the future. After returned to the government and presided over affairs of state, Zhang Dun took revenge on the Conservatives with Zeng Bu,Cai Bian et al cruelly, which caused the struggle between the parties more and more intensified, also restricted the development of the Shaoshu politics and its effect seriously. Li Qingchen stood out against the retroaction of Zhang Dun et al strenuously; as a result, he was squeezed out of the government ultimately. The Shaoshu initiated by Li Qingchen had gradually evolved into a movement that Reformists just as Zhang Dun attack and persecute the Yuanyou party, and had seriously deviated from the original correct direction.
作者 孙晓东
出处 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期71-75,共5页 Journal of Langfang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 李清臣 宋哲宗 绍述政治 变法 党争 Li Qingchen the Song Emperor Zhezong Shaoshu politics reform partisan disputes
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