
烟台海滨自由生活线虫一新记录种(英文) 被引量:1

A New Record of Free-living Marine Nematode(Nematoda:Desmodoridae)from Yantai Coast
摘要 在烟台海滨潮间带泥沙沉积物中发现并鉴定出我国自由生活海洋线虫一新纪录种伊藤后菱光线虫(Metachromadora itoi Kito).该种显著特征是具有六个外唇乳突和4个粗钝的头刚毛;螺旋化感器2.25圈,位于头端;伸长的后咽球裂成3部分;雄体具有17-21个近等距排列的按钮形的肛前辅器,尾部腹面具两个乳突状的肛后辅器;交接刺弧形具较大的头状近端.该种特征与Kiton于1978年发现于日本海的模式种的原始描述一致. A new record of free-living marine nematodes, Metachromadora itoi Kito, 1978, is described from Yantai coast of the Yellow Sea. Metachromadora itoi Kito is characterized by having six prominent external labial papillae and four blunt cephalic setae~ spiral-shaped am- phidial fovea 2. 25 turns, nearly front end; elongated terminal bulb showing three sections; males with 17-21 equidistant precloacal supplements and two postcloacal ventral papillae; spic- ules arcuate with large proximal capitulum. Our specimens fit well with the original description from Japan Sea by Kito in 1978.
作者 王海霞 黄勇
出处 《聊城大学学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第3期38-41,共4页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41176107)资助
关键词 伊藤后菱光线虫(Metachromadora itoi Kito) 自由生活海洋线虫 分类 Metachromadora itoi Kito;free-living marine nematode;taxonomy
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