发现描述了中国东海潮间带和潮下带自由生活线虫三个新记录.近似双色矛线虫Dichromadora affinis Gagarin et Thanh,2011:标本个体较小,角皮具环纹并具由两纵排大圆点组成的侧装饰,头刚毛较短,口腔内具一明显的大背齿,咽具有显著的圆球形后咽球,无前咽球,无肛前辅器,交接刺和引带较短.该标本特征与发现于越南的模式种的特征高度一致.细尾长颈线虫Cervonema tenuicauda Stekhoven,1950:标本头刚毛4微米,螺旋化感器5.5-6圈,交接刺直,约1倍肛径长,7-8个小的肛前辅器,尾6-7.1倍肛径长,锥状部分占42-48%,丝状部分占62-68%.特征符合该种的原始描述.安氏雷曼线虫,Laimella annae Chen et Vincx,2000:标本头径宽9-11微米,头刚毛9微米,化感器直径7微米,交接刺1.5倍于肛径宽,尾细长,14-17倍于肛径宽,锥状部分占25%,丝状部分占75%,5个肛前辅器.除交接刺稍长外本标本特征较符合该种的原始描述.
Three new records of free-living nematodes Dichromadora a f finis Gagarin et Thanh, 2011, Cervonema tenuicauda Stekhoven, 1950,Lairnellaannae Chen et Vincx, 2000 are described. Dichromadora a f fin isis characterized by the combination of set off head; spherical posterior pharyngeal bulb; absence of anterior pharyngeal bulb; absence of precloacal supple- ments; spicules with cephalate proximally and swelling distally. Our specimens are in full a- greement with Gagarin's original description from Red River Mouth in Vietnam, but only spic- ules are slightly longer. Cervonema tenuicauda is characterized by cephalic setae 4 μm long; amphids spiral with 5.5-6 turns, 10 μm in diameter; anterior border located 18-20 μm behind the front end, or 2 h. d. ; spicules almost straight, one a. b. d. long; gubernaculum small; 7-8 minute precloacal supplements; tail 6-7.1 a. b. d. long with 62-68% of posterior filiform part. The present specimens agree well with the description by Chen &Vincx in 2000. However, the body length of our specimens is larger than the original description by Stekhoven in 1950 (1 130-1 270 μm vs. 820 μm in female). Laimella annae is characterized by the head diameter 9- 11 μm; cephalic setae and external labial setae 9+5 μmlong; amphids 7μm in diameter or 70% c. b. d. ; spicules 1.5 a. b. d. ; tail 14-17 a. b. d. and 75% posterior part fifliform; five precloa- cal supplements. The present specimens fit well with the original description except the spic- ules slightly longer and the length of tail posterior filiform part larger.
Journal of Liaocheng University:Natural Science Edition
Dichromadora affinis Gagarin et Thanh;2011;Cervonema tenuicauda Stek-hoven;1950,Laimella annae Chen et Vincx;2000;free-living marine nematode;taxonomy