目的通过分析急性前循环脑梗死患者起病后MRI、弥散张量成像技术(DTI)图像,探讨DTI在急性前循环脑梗死的应用价值。方法选自急性期3d前循环脑梗死、符合WHO制定的缺血性脑卒中诊断标准的患者为研究组,测量患者梗死灶和健侧相应部位的分数各向异性(fractional anisotropy,FA)值,观察患者皮质脊髓束(CST)的损伤程度并分级。同时选择10名年龄性别与研究组匹配的正常健康人为对照组,对照组在相应位置选择与研究组梗死部位同样大小的感应区进行测量FA值。应用日常生活活动能力量表(ADL量表)对研究组患者入院时和治疗后3个月进行评分。结果急性期前循环脑梗死患者病灶的FA值低于健侧,差别有统计学意义。梗死灶FA值降低百分比和皮质脊髓束的损伤程度、ADL相关,有统计学意义。DTI所示皮质脊髓束的损伤程度与ADL评分相关。结论梗死病灶区FA值下降越明显,皮质脊髓束损伤程度越重,临床症状越重,它可以作为判断预后的客观指标之一。通过DTT分级评价脑梗死患者的预后和神经功能康复有重要的临床价值。
Objective To explore the application value of the DTI cycle in front of the acute cerebral infarction by analyzing the MRI and DTI images of the acute anterior circulation after the onset of cerebral infarction patients.Methods In the acute phase(3d)in the early circulation cerebral infarction,compared with the WHO set the diagnostic criteria of ischemic cerebral apoplexy patients for the team,patients infarcts and the contralateral corresponding parts of the fractional anisotropy(fractional anisotropy,FA)values were measured to observe the corticospinal tract(CST)damage degree and classification.At the same time,10 age gender and the team match were chosen in healthy control group,control group in the corresponding location selection and the team infarction site induction area measurement FA value of the same size,application of daily life activities ability scale(ADL scale)on admission in patients with the team and score 3months after treatment.Results Acute phase before the circulation of patients with cerebral infarction lesions FA value was lower than the healthy side,the difference was statistically significant.Infarcts FA value lower percentage and corticospinal tract were related to the damage degree and ADL,there were statistically significant.DTI was shown in the damage degree of corticospinal tract associated with ADL scores.Conclusion The more obvious the infarction lesions area FA value,the heavier the corticospinal tract damage degree,the heavier the clinical symptoms,It can serve as one of the objective indexes of judging prognosis,by DTT grading evaluation of the prognosis of patients with cerebral infarction and neural functional recovery has important clinical value.
Journal of Binzhou Medical University
cerebral infarction,magnetic resonance,corticospinal tract