
基于ZigBee的多点大气压数据采集系统设计 被引量:2

Design and Implementation of Multipoint Atmospheric Pressure Data Acquisition System Based on ZigBee Technology
摘要 针对目前大气剖面气象参数同测实时性问题,设计实现了基于ZigBee技术的剖面多点大气压参数采集系统。从应用方面着手对ZigBee技术的网络拓扑结构进行研究。在Z-STACK协议栈下,以CC2530芯片为核心构建了一个由若干气象参数采集节点组成的树状无线传感网络。各终端节点和路由节点将气压传感器BMP085采集到的气压参数通过网络汇聚到协调器,在PC上对采集到的数据进行相关处理。结果表明,系统采集节点获取数据精度高,误差小,具有应用推广价值。 An acquisition system for collecting muhipoint atmospheric pressure parameter based on ZigBee tech- nology is designed and implemented for real-time measurement of the atmospheric pressure at different heights. The network topology of ZigBee technology is studied from the perspective of applications. A tree wireless network with several nodes is built using the SOC chip CC2530 under the TI's Z-STACK protocol. Each terminal node and touting node can acquire the atmospheric pressure using the BMP085 sensor and send the data to the coordinator node through the network. Then the data are processed on the PC. The results show that the system obtains high precision data a small error.
出处 《电子科技》 2015年第11期113-116,共4页 Electronic Science and Technology
关键词 多点 CC2530 ZIGBEE BMP085 multipoint CC2530 ZigBee BMP085
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