
水热法制备类花状MoS_2纳米纸微球 被引量:3

Synthesis of Flower-like MoS_2 Nanosheet Microspheres by Hydrothermal Method
摘要 采用水热合成技术,以钼酸钠、硫脲为反应剂,草酸为助还原剂,去离子水为溶剂,合成了类花状结构的Mo S2纳米纸微球,采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、拉曼光谱、透射电镜(HRTEM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线能量色散谱(EDS)对样品的结构、形貌和成分进行分析,重点研究了草酸浓度对Mo S2纳米纸微球的形貌和结构的影响规律。结果表明:在适当的反应剂浓度下,合成的Mo S2是由大量厚度约30 nm左右的纳米纸花瓣聚集在一起形成的类花状微球组成的。Mo S2微球具有2H型六方晶系结构,而每片纳米纸花瓣是单晶结构的层状Mo S2。反应前驱液中草酸的浓度对微球的大小、形貌和结晶度有显著的影响。最后讨论了类花状结构的Mo S2纳米纸微球的生长机理。 Flower-like MoS2 nanosheet microspheres were synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method using sodium molybdate and thiourea as reactants, oxalic acid as reducing agent at relatively low temperature. The effects of the oxalic acid concentration on the morphology and structure of MoS2 mierospheres were mainly studied. The morphology, crystallographic structure, chemical composition of flower-like MoS2 nanosheet mierospheres were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectrum, high resolution transmission electron-microscopy ( HRTEM ), scanning electronic microscope ( SEM ) and EDS, respectively. The results show that the as-prepared MoS2 are composed of flower-like mierospheres, which are constructed from dozens of hundreds of MoS2 nanosheet with a thickness of about 30 nm. The oxalic acid concentration has a great influence on the size, morphology and erystallinity of MoS2 microspheres. A possible formation mechanism of MoS2 microspheres was preliminarily presented at last.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期2852-2857,共6页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 广东省高等学校科技创新项目(2013ZK0402)
关键词 水热合成技术 二硫化钼 纳米纸微球 生长机理 hydrothermal method MoS2 nanosheet microsphere formation mechanism
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