
乌鲁木齐城区健康成年人维生素D营养状况调查分析 被引量:16

Investigation and Analysis of Vitamin D Nutritional Status in Healthy Adults in Urumqi
摘要 目的调查分析新疆乌鲁木齐城区汉、维族成年人维生素D营养状况并分析与民族、性别、年龄的关系。方法选自2013年5月至6月在乌鲁木齐城区采用随机整群抽样方法,采集1858名居民的血样,其中汉族1046名,维吾尔族812名成人,采用电化学发光法进行血清25羟维生素D[25(OH)D]检测,分析居民维生素D营养状况及与不同民族、性别、年龄的关系。结果 (1)汉、维族25(OH)D水平为19.16±8.10ng/m L和13.09±6.98ng/m L,汉族明显高于维族(P<0.0001),男性高于女性(汉族P=0.202,维族P<0.0001);(2)汉族维生素D缺乏、不足、充足分别占64.5%、25.1%、10.3%,维族分别占88.5%、8.0%、3.4%,维族女性维生素D缺乏最明显(92.2%);(3)青、中、老年组汉族维生素D缺乏的患病率分别为72.2%、63.2%、54.1%,维族为90.0%、86.0%、88.1%。汉族随着年龄增大维生素D缺乏患病率降低。年龄细分后,汉族>80岁和维族>75岁患病率开始增加。结论新疆乌市汉维族维生素D普遍缺乏,明显高于我国其他地区。维族高于汉族,女性高于男性,高龄老人维生素D缺乏患病率增加,维生素D营养状况有待改善。 Objective To investigate the vitamin D nutrition level in healthy adults in Xinjiang Urumqi city and to analyze its relationship with nationality, gender and age. Methods A survey was performed in 1835 healthy adults residents of Urumqi, which included 812 of Uygnr, 1046 of Han adults by using cluster random sampling method. The blood samples were collected and the serum level of 25- hydroxyl vitamin D [ 25 ( OH ) D ] was detected by chemiluminescence method. Results The serum 25 (OH) D levels of Han and Uygur were( 19.16 + 8.10ng/mL) and (13.09 + 6.98ng/mL)respectively. The 25 (OH)D levels of Han nationality were significantly higher than that of Uygur(P 〈0.0001 ), and men's 25 (OH)D level was higher than that of women( Han P = 0. 202,Uygur P 〈0. 0001 ). The Vitamin D deficient, insufficient, adequate in Han accounted for 64.5%, 25.1% , and 10.3% , and in Uygur was 88.5% , 8.0% and 3.4%. Uygnr women accounted for the highest vitamin D deficiency(92.2% ). The vitamin D deficiency rate of young, middle and old groups of Han was 72.2%, 63.2% and 54.1%, and in Uygur was 90.0%, 86.0% and 88.1%. With increasing of age, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in the Han nationality decreased. The vitamin D deficiency prevalence rate started to increase at age of 80 in Han and age of 75 in Uygur. Conclusion Both Uygur and Han adults have vitamin D deficiency generally in Xinjiang Urumqi, which is significantly higher than that in other regions of China. The vitamin D deficiency in old age groups is increasing, and the nutritional status of vitamin D needs to be improved.
出处 《标记免疫分析与临床》 CAS 2015年第10期989-993,共5页 Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine
关键词 25-羟维生素D 营养状况 维吾尔族 汉族 25- hydroxy vitamin D Nutrition Uygur Han
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