

User Scheduling and Interference Management with Topological Information in Dense Cellular Networks
摘要 随着未来移动通信网络的密集化,如何利用少量的信道信息有效管理小区间干扰成为一个重要而又棘手的问题。本文面向密集多小区多用户单天线和多天线网络,研究利用拓扑信息协调小区间干扰的传输策略。为了解决不同小区多用户调度间的冲突,把用户调度与干扰管理收发机设计进行统一建模,基于统一模型引入潜在冲突图,并利用潜在冲突图进行拓扑干扰管理,提出了占用系统资源最少的传输策略。仿真结果表明,与先进行用户调度再协调小区间干扰的方法相比,所提出的方法在用户平均数据率和边缘用户数据率方面都能够获得显著的性能增益。 With the densification of the future-generation mobile networks,how to manage interference efficiently with coarse channel information is a critical and challenging task. In this paper,we propose transmission strategy to coordinate inter-cell interference with topological information for multi-cell multi-user networks with multiple antennas and single antennas. To resolve the scheduling conflict between users in different cells,we unify user scheduling and interference management,and introduce the potential conflict graph based on the unified model. By using the topological interference management on this graph,the optimal transmission strategy that minimizes the transmission resource is obtained. Simulation results show that the proposed transmission strategy significantly boosts both the average rate per user and the cell edge user's rate compared with the traditional method,which first selects users and then coordinates the inter-cell interference.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1215-1223,共9页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(二期)(61429101) 国家自然科学基金(61301085)
关键词 拓扑信息 用户调度 干扰管理 连通图 冲突图 topological information user scheduling interference management connectivity graph conflict graph
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