
大选后斯里兰卡外交政策的调整及影响 被引量:7

Sri Lanka's Foreign Policy after Presidential Election 2015: Adjustment and Its Influence
摘要 斯里兰卡新一届总统选举后,以西里塞纳总统为首的新政府在内外压力下推动了外交政策的调整,一方面缓和与印度及西方国家的关系,另一方面重新审查中国投资的重大基础设施项目,疏远中国。由于迎合了印度与西方国家抗衡中国影响的需要,其政策调整短期内升温了其与印度和西方国家的关系,并使其国家形象和外部经济环境有所改善;但由于印度和西方国家一直没有放弃对斯里兰卡内政的干涉以实现自身的国家利益,因此斯里兰卡与印度和西方的关系未来仍存变数;中斯关系方面,虽然现今两国关系进行调整,但因为两国的传统友好合作关系及在国家经济发展战略上存在高度契合,建立在"和平共处五项原则"基础上的合作关系前景依然广阔。 The Sirisena government has improved its relations with India and the West. Its re-examination on infrastructure projects has led to suspicion on estrangement with China. Despite warming-up of Sri Lanka's ties with India and the West in short time, future development of such relations still suffers from uncertainty. Thanks to the traditional friendship and shared economic development strategies between Sri Lanka and China, China-Sri Lanka relations still enjoy a very promising future.
作者 李卓成
出处 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2015年第3期17-22,4,共6页 South Asian Studies Quarterly
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