
射波刀治疗计划准直器对剂量分布和治疗时间影响的研究 被引量:6

Research on collimators on dose distribution and treatment time of Cyber Knife treatment planning
摘要 目的:研究不同规格准直器对剂量分布和治疗时间的影响,为射波刀治疗计划设计中准直器的选择提供参考和指导。方法:分别使用12种规格的准直器对3个大小不同的肿瘤靶区进行计划设计,得出每个靶区在不同准直器下对应的剂量分布和治疗时间,并分析其存在的关系。结果:随着准直器尺寸的增加,治疗时间变得越来越少;当准直器尺寸远大于靶区时,剂量分布随准直器尺寸增加变得越好,但是正常组织受到的照射剂量越多。结论:在治疗计划设计中准直器尺寸的选择应比肿瘤尺寸略小,约占肿瘤直径的2/3,准直器的选择可为肿瘤治疗提供参考依据,并具有重要的指导意义。 Objective:To study the effect of different sizes of collimators on dose distribution and treatment time, and provide the reference of selecting collimators for planning design. Methods:To design the planning by using collimators with 12 kinds of size for three different size tumors, and analysis the dose distribution and treatment time of planning with different collimators. Results:The treatment time is becoming less and less with increasing of the collimator size;the dose distribution becomes better and better when collimator size becomes large, but the dose of the normal tissue becomes more. Conclusion: The selection of collimator size may be smaller than tumor size by analyzing the results of three groups, and about 2/3 of tumor diameter, which provides important reference and guidance significance for designing the treatment planning with choosing collimators.
出处 《中国医学装备》 2015年第10期39-42,共4页 China Medical Equipment
关键词 射波刀 准直器 剂量分布 CyberKnife Collimator Dose distribution
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