在温度(25±1)℃,相对湿度75%~85%,光周期14L∶ 10D条件下研究了中华微刺盲蝽取食9种不同食物对若虫生长发育的影响及取食节瓜蓟马+茄叶、棉蚜+茄叶对成虫繁殖力的影响.中华微刺盲蝽仅取食10%蜂蜜水和茄叶不能完成若虫阶段的生长发育,而取食节瓜蓟马+茄叶、烟粉虱+茄叶、棉蚜+茄叶、朱砂叶螨+茄叶、棉蚜、米蛾卵+茄叶、米蛾卵均能发育到成虫;若虫的发育历期和存活率结果表明,节瓜蓟马+茄叶、烟粉虱+茄叶对该盲蝽的生长发育最有利.另外,对中华微刺盲蝽取食节瓜蓟马+茄叶、棉蚜+茄叶的繁殖力进行了研究,分别计算出了该天敌取食2种食物组合的世代净增殖率、世代平均历期和内禀增长率,根据计算结果,中华微刺盲蝽取食节瓜蓟马+茄叶的生殖力大于取食棉蚜+茄叶.
The omnivorous predators Campylomma chinensis Schuh are common natural enemies in South China. The mirid bug predators were reared on various kinds of food in the laboratory under the conditions at temperature of (25 ±1) ℃, relative humidity of 75%-85% and photoperiods 14L : 10D. C. chinensis could not complete nymphal development on eggplant leaves or 10% honey. However, they could complete larval development on a diet of Thrips palmi plus eggplant leaves, Bemisia tabaci plus eggplant leaves, Aphis gossypii plus eggplant leaves, Teranychus cinnabarinus plus eggplant leaves, A. gossypii, eggs of Corcyra cephalonica plus eggplant leaves, or eggs of C. cephalonica. With regard to development time and survivorship of the bug, T. palmi plus eggplant leaves and B. tabaci plus eggplant leaves were the best two diets leaves produced more offspring than a diet of A. gossypii eggplant is a potential diet for mass rearing of C. chinensis. C. chinensis females reared on T. palmi plus eggplant plus eggplant. The results indicate that T. palmi plus
Chinese Journal of Biological Control